EOM University
Empowering You With God's Word
Matthew 4:4
Apostles, Prophets, and Bishops Course
Feb. 9, 2021: EOM Bylaws, Preamble - Article
5 & Articles 6 -10
Feb. 13, 2021: EOM Bylaws Articles 11-14, Articles 14-15/25 Role of Apostles Part - 1, &
EOM Bylaws Articles 14-15/25 Role of Apostles Part - 2
Test 2 - February 13, 2021
Indicates required field
1. EOM´s disciples are
A. Citizens of the Kingdom of God
B. Ambassadors
C. Nation of Believers on earth
D. Part of the royal priesthood of God
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
2. Jesus ́ core values included:
A. Soul Winning
B. Loving things of the world
C. Spiritual Warfare
D. Teaching about money
E. Focused on church doctrine
F. Only A and C
G. Only D and E
3. In general which apostle set the Church in order?
A. Apostle Peter
B. Apostle John
C. Apostle James
D. Apostle Paul
E. None of the above
4. As recorded in the United States, EOM is a private religious organization?
A. True
B. False
5. You must have a scholastic degree to be an apostle?
A. True
B. False
6. Associate Ministries are disciples of EOM having rights and benefits.
A. True
B. False
7. The purpose of EOM is to
A. Do the Great Commission
B. Take care of its citizens
C. Provide Biblical guidance to all people
D. None of the above
E. All of the above
8. EOM´s form of government is theocratic
A. True
B. False
9. In EOM on earth, who has the final authority on all matters of EOM?
A. EOM General Board
B. Council of EOM Apostles
C. EOM Chief Apostle
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
10. We believe spiritually that men and women are equal in value.
A. True
B. False
11. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.
A. True
B. False
12. Apostles must be ordained?
A. True
B. False
13. The Apostles ́ Creed is also a part of the Apostles ́ Doctrine?
A. True
B. False
14. EOMs primary goal is?
A. Feeding the poor
B. Praying for the sick
C. The Great Commission
D. None of the above
15. An apostle must be consecrated by other apostles?
A. True
B. False
16. God’s divine will is
A. For every leader to have a degree
B. For everyone to do soul winning
C. For every leader to have a church
D. For every leader to teach disciples of Jesus Christ
E. Only A and C
F. Only B and D
17. To be a citizen of EOM is strictly voluntary?
A. True
B. False
18. The only one that can choose someone to be an apostle is
A. Church pastor
B. Another Apostle
C. Jesus
D. Chief Apostle
19. Who can disqualify a named heir successor?
A. Apostle Lawrence Dunbar
B. Council of Apostles
C. EOM General Board
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
20. In the United States EOM is protected under which amendment of the US constitution?
A. 3rd Amendment
B. 2nd Amendment
C. 1st Amendment
D. 4th Amendment
E. None of the above
21. All citizens of EOM must abide by its bylaws?
A. True
B. False
22. EOM´s financial support comes from
A. Free will offerings
B. Established Tithes
C. Mandatory donations
D. Agreed upon pledges
E. All but C
D. None of the above
23. EOM´s official annual meeting is held during the annual convocation?
A. True
B. False
24. All of EOM´s disciplinary issues will be conducted by the EOM Elder’s Council?
A. True
B. False
25. All EOM citizens must follow the established Chain of Command?
A. True
B. False
26. Who set the pattern for Apostles before Jesus?
A. Moses
B. Abraham
C. David
D. Noah
27. Apostles are mandated to
A. Do the Great Commission
B. Build churches
C. Feed and clothe the homeless
D. Do fundraisers
28. Every apostle in EOM must have a visitation with whom?
A. Chief Apostle
B. Apostles ́ Council
C. EOM's General Board
D. Jesus Christ
29. After the apostles establish a church or ministry, who will be appointed to run them?
A. Teachers
B. Evangelists
C. Prophets
D. Pastors
30. EOM will have a consecration ceremony for
A. Someone with the Apostle gift
B. Someone with the gift of Wisdom
C. Some being appointed to Bishop
D. Some being appointed to Deacon
EOM University