Apostles, Prophets, and Bishops Course
April 2021 Classes and Outlines
Being Developed-Please review weekly
April 2021 Classes and Outlines
Being Developed-Please review weekly
Attendance: EOMU administrative staff will do a roll call during the beginning of the first class. Students that do not respond to the roll call will be marked absent unless prior coordination is made with the staff.
Lecture Mode: After roll call, the entire class will be placed on lecture mode until the question and answer session. This means that you will not be able to communicate until that time.
Weekly Class Tests: The test consist of multiple choice, true and false questions. The questions come from reading assignments and from information taught in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Students must achieve an 80% or higher. Anyone that does not achieve these standards must retake the test until they achieve 80%. As stated in the syllabus, our grading system is not focused on failing students. The Lord has instructed us to focus on students understanding and knowing His Holy word. You may take this test until you achieve the standards of 80%. You will be tested every week on Saturday on all subjects taught that week. All tests are formatted multiple choice which must be completed before the next class. Any tests turned in late may be delayed being graded. Once the staff has graded the students' test, they will send an email stating the students results. Every student needs to check their progress report; a link will be sent to you via email.
Lecture Mode: After roll call, the entire class will be placed on lecture mode until the question and answer session. This means that you will not be able to communicate until that time.
Weekly Class Tests: The test consist of multiple choice, true and false questions. The questions come from reading assignments and from information taught in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Students must achieve an 80% or higher. Anyone that does not achieve these standards must retake the test until they achieve 80%. As stated in the syllabus, our grading system is not focused on failing students. The Lord has instructed us to focus on students understanding and knowing His Holy word. You may take this test until you achieve the standards of 80%. You will be tested every week on Saturday on all subjects taught that week. All tests are formatted multiple choice which must be completed before the next class. Any tests turned in late may be delayed being graded. Once the staff has graded the students' test, they will send an email stating the students results. Every student needs to check their progress report; a link will be sent to you via email.
March 30 and April 3, 2021: Session-9
March 30, 2021
Session-9: Part-1
Session-9: Part-1
Weekly Session-9
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
Christ Gift to the Church: Prophet Part-1 Teachers: Apostle Halstead or DCA Williams |
2nd Class -8am-9am EST
Vacant - TBD |
April 3, 2021
Session-9: Part-2
Session-9: Part-2
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
Christ Gift to the Church: The Evangelist Teachers: Apostle Dorothy McIntosh or Apostle K. Williams |
2nd Class -8am-9am EST
Christ Gift to the Church: The Pastor Teachers: Apostle Howard Creighton or DCA Williams |
3rd Class - 9am-10am EST
Christ Gift to the Church: The Teacher
Teachers: Brother Phillip Adeniji or Minister Harpe
Christ Gift to the Church: The Teacher
Teachers: Brother Phillip Adeniji or Minister Harpe
Weekly Test 9
Click Test Button
Weekly Class Recording
Click Recording Buttons
April 6 and 10, 2021: Session-10
April 6, 2021
Session-10: Part-1
Session-10: Part-1
1st Class -7am-8am EST
Role of Elders as Leaders Teachers: Apostle Halstead or Apostle Dunbar |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
Community Development/Director Teachers: Prophetess Hicks or Prophetess Tunstall |
April 10, 2021
Session-10: Part-2
Session-10: Part-2
1st Class -7am-8am EST
Hospitality Department/Director Teachers: Minister Halstead or Prophetess Ellis |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
Money in Ministry Part-2 Teachers: DCA Williams or Apostle K. Williams |
3rd Class -9am-10am EST
Money in Ministry Part-3
Teachers: DCA Williams or Apostle K. Williams
Money in Ministry Part-3
Teachers: DCA Williams or Apostle K. Williams
Weekly Test 10
Click Test Button
Weekly Recording
Click Recording Buttons
April 13 and 17, 2021: Session-11
April 13, 2021
Session-11: Part-1
Session-11: Part-1
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
Role of Deacon and Deaconess Teacher: Apostle Halstead or DCA Williams |
2nd Class -8am-9am EST
Role of Ministers as Leaders Teachers: Minister Halstead or Apostle Halstead |
April 17, 2021
Session-11: Part-2
Session-11: Part-2
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
God’s Role for Marriage Teachers: Bishop Cooper or Bishop Hicks |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
God’s Role for Men Teachers: Bishop Robinson or DCA Williams |
3rd Class - 9am-10am EST
God’s Role for Women
Teachers: Apostle K. Williams or Prophetess Dunbar
God’s Role for Women
Teachers: Apostle K. Williams or Prophetess Dunbar
Weekly Test 11
Click Test Button
Weekly Recording
Click Recording Buttons
April 20 and 24, 2021: Session-12
April 20, 2021
Session-12: Part-1
Session-12: Part-1
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
God’s Role for Children Teachers: Mother Dunbar or Apostle K. Williams |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
EOM Convocations Part-1 Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead |
April 24, 2021
Session-12: Part-2
Session-12: Part-2
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
EOM Convocations Part-2 Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
EOM Ceremonies Part-1 Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead |
3rd Class - 9am-10am EST
EOM Ceremonies Part-2
Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead
EOM Ceremonies Part-2
Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead
Weekly Test 12
Click Test Button
Weekly Recording
Click Recording Button
April 27 and May 1, 2021: Session-13
April 27, 2021
Session-13: Part-1
Session-13: Part-1
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
EOM Vestments Part-1 Teachers: Apostle Halstead or Bishop Robinson |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
EOM Vestments Part-2 Teachers: Apostle Halstead or Bishop Robinson |
May 1, 2021
Session-13: Part-2
Session-13: Part-2
1st Class - 7am-8am EST
Sexual, Physical, Emotional Abuse Teachers: Prophetess Hicks or Bishop Hicks |
2nd Class - 8am-9am EST
EOM Sexual Misconduct Policy Teachers: Apostle Dunbar or Apostle Halstead |
3rd Class - 9am-10am EST
Addictions Part 1: Sex, Alcohol, Gambling, Drugs, Pornography, etc.
Teachers: Bishop Hicks or Prophetess Hicks
Addictions Part 1: Sex, Alcohol, Gambling, Drugs, Pornography, etc.
Teachers: Bishop Hicks or Prophetess Hicks
Weekly Test 13
Click Test Button
Weekly Recording
Click Recording Button